Harley Place Health Osteopath Jerome Smith has studied advanced dry needling, so he may recommend it for you depending on your condition. What does it actually do?
Dry needling is commonly used to address deep myofascial tension. Often it can be painful or very difficult for a practitioner to work deep enough to hit these points, so using a needle is a great way to release the underlying tension.
During a session, myofascial trigger points may be felt by both you and your practitioner. For your practitioner, it will present as a hard, focused point of tension. For you, a description a lot of people use is that they feel a ‘knot’ in a certain part of a muscle.
The indication for treatment would be reducing muscular pain and stiffness, improving range of motion or flexibility. Studies have shown varied results with respect to effectiveness, but the trend in studies is that it is effective for reducing pain and improving mobility. This is backed up anecdotally, with patients reporting a profound release when the needle hits the trigger point.
If you have any questions about dry needling email us harleyplacehealth@gmail.com or if you would like to book a session with Jerome visit our booking page.