osteopathy sydney cbd

Our Osteopath, Marcus Ng, shares the best way to get out of bed when you are suffering from acute low back pain. When it comes to acute low back pain, regardless of how it started, it is often a great source of anguish just to get out of bed. You’re either poorly rested from a […]

The latest Osteopath to join our team is Dr Vivian Wong. Vivian is a very experienced practitioner who employs a wide variety of approaches to help address your injury. Among the techniques she uses are Dry Needling and Cupping, which work extremely well together for a number of reasons. Both therapies target similar issues: Both […]

The newest member of our team here at Harley Place Health, Dr Vivian Wong, brings a unique combination of techniques and experience. One of the techniques she employs is cupping.  Cupping therapy is an ancient practice that involves placing specially designed cups on the skin to create suction. It has numerous benefits including: Increased Blood […]

This post was written by Dr Jess Sammut from Whole Health Osteopathy and the Melbourne Headache Clinic and is shared here with permission.  Do you find yourself tossing and turning when you go to bed? Maybe it’s because of an injury, perhaps you’re restless because you have a lot on your mind. Other times, it […]

osteopathy X-ray

Because I’m a bit of a nerd about health and medicine, I listen to different podcasts on those topics. Increasingly on medical themed podcasts I’m hearing doctors discuss breakthroughs that are happening due to AI. For example, recently, an AI software created a new type of anti-biotic. This is noteworthy because over time, the effectiveness […]

Ok this story blew us away. According to a recent study (which was performed on a small number of people to be fair), ChatGPT was more accurate at diagnosing illnesses than a group of doctors. From the source article: “A new research study indicates that Open AI’s chatbot Chat GPT-4 is better at diagnosing diseases than human doctors, according to The […]

I recently read an article entitled “How Hope Beats Mindfulness When Times Are Tough” which outlined the relative benefits of both approaches. First things first, what’s the difference? According to the authors, “hope is inherently forward looking, while mindfulness is about appreciating your current circumstances”. The researchers wanted to see how each of these two […]

Ok this is pretty cool! A study on overweight people (who are at risk of developing diabetes), found that in an 8 1/2 hour workday, if they got up every 45 minutes and simply did 10 squats, it was better for them than if they went for a half hour walk! Sounds too good to […]

That’s the conclusion of a major study of more than 14,000 people which has found some types of exercise can be better than anti-depressants alone. A summary, posted on the ABC News website, stated that “it doesn’t matter how many times a week you exercise, but the more vigorous the better.” As a result, GPs are […]

They call it the Goldilocks Day. The perfect balance of everything, that is, sitting, standing, exercising and sleeping. According to the latest research, as summarised on the ABC News website, “new Australian research published in Diabetologica provides an hour-by-hour breakdown of daily activities to reduce the risk of cardiometabolic diseases, which include disorders of the heart, diabetes and […]